We have a new offering! We are now beginning limited edition prints based on our cards. The first is “Curly Hazelnut” based on our popular Hazelnut card design featuring three owls with glowing eyes perched on the twisting branches of a nearly leafless curly hazelnut tree in fall. While our greeting cards are entirely letterpress printed, this print series features a combination of letterpress printing and watercolor painting. Each print has subtle unique qualities in the hand painting.
Our edition offers thirty signed and numbered prints, and there is a special pricing structure. The first half of the edition will be offered at $25. Once fifteen prints are sold, the price will double. When the next seven sell, the price doubles again, and then again when the next four sell, again for the next two, and again for the last one. It works out like this:
Print #1-15 = $25
#16-23 = $50
#24-27 = $100
#28-29 = $400
#30 = $800
We will release new prints a couple of times per year, so that as we build this, there will be prints available at a range of prices, depending on how far along they are in selling through.
Our Curly Hazelnut edition has an image size of 4×6″ and is printed on 8×10″ Somerset Textured Soft White paper. It is shipped unframed but can be placed unmatted in an 8×10″ frame or matted within a larger standard frame. (For longevity of the piece, we recommend the later). Lightfast pigments are used, but as with all artwork, it’s best to not place where direct sunlight can reach it.
To order one, use the contact form on our website, or send us an email, or message us on facebook, twitter, or instagram. We will take orders chronologically, reply directly to the person with the price to confirm, and arrange payment details. As of Tuesday, June 7th, #1-5 have been sold.
Also, if you have special requests for the next limited edition we put out, please let us know!