Chicago Printmaker's Collective Poster
Announcements Events Limited Editions

Visit Chicago Printmakers Collaborative

If you’re in Chicago, come on out to the Chicago Printmaker’s Collaborative Annual Small Print show. I’m grateful that they share our Painted Tongue Press cards and prints there every year. It’s a great way to purchase original art on a modest budget, while also supporting local artists. (Our owner, Kim, lived in Chicago for a time, near the collaborative. Most artists in the show are Chicago based.)

Preview the show: Friday December 3, 12-5 pm

Grand Opening Party: Saturday & Sunday December 4th-5th, 11-7 pm

Extended Gallery Hours: Tuesday-Sunday 12-5 pm, December 7th-19th

Exhibit runs through January 31st, 2022

For more information, visit, or call 773.293.2070
4912 N. Western Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625