It’s been busy around the studio this week. We started printing our beautiful line of Spring releases, which we think you’re really going to love (more on that soon, we promise). But we also have our hands full with reprints, including the Maidenhair Fern, Raspberry, and Cherry cards. It may be busy, but we’re really …
Tag: greeting cards
Roadworks This Sunday!
Join us this Sunday, September 22nd, at Roadworks, held at the Center for the Book in San Francisco! The festival will be on Rhode Island Street, between 16th and 17th Street, from 11 am to 4 pm. Admission is free! More information can be found here. We hope to see you there!
Fun with Puns
Have a whole heaping bowl of puns with these fun cards!
New York Now
This weekend Painted Tongue Press is participating in New York Now, through our rep Pamela Davis of daisyd & friends! New York Now is the largest wholesale trade show in America, with over 400 companies and makers featuring handmade work. The trade show runs Saturday, August 10th, to Wednesday, August 14th. Find more about it …
New Original Ink Drawings
We now have new original ink drawings by Kim Vanderheiden available for sale! These drawings are the first steps to creating the greeting card line. Kim begins by drawing with pen and ink directly on the page, combining spontaneity with carefully considered drawings. The illustrations are then scanned and colored in Photoshop, and then synthesized …