Black Eyed Susan
Birds Summer

Farewell to Summer So Soon?

It hardly seems possible that the kids are already back in school. The fall sports practices are in full swing, the homework has returned in the backpack, and the schools are gathering their parent volunteers for meetings and plans. To bid adieu

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Spring Summer

An Unusual Way to Grow a Primrose

We thought you might like to see our unusual methods for growing flowers at Painted Tongue Press, so we’ve put together a photo essay about it. We begin by studying photographs of the flower, plant or vegetable that will be the subject of our next card – in this case, primrose. When our card line …

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Chili Pepper Mock-up
Fruits & Vegetables Summer

Hot Chilis for Cold, Cold Winter

I think we could use some hot summer seasoning right now! This image is from a fresh new greeting card design that will be on the press soon. So hot, it will melt the snow off your sidewalk, thaw your tootsies, and defrost your ice encrusted windshield. Unfortunately, it won’t put out your garbage cans …

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