Assortment of cards for Patreon supporters
Announcements Fall New Product Winter

Cards for Patreon Supporters

Some news regarding our Patreon! Because of the pandemic and the reduced wholesale orders, we didn’t finish developing our fall/winter releases for 2020; these would normally have been printed in the spring of 2020. We’re still able to keep our shop open, but the time and materials investment for new designs isn’t possible quite yet. …

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Holly "Merry Merry" card
Animals Announcements Christmas printing

A Merry, Merry Printing Session

Since the Bay Area has been sheltering-in-place since mid-March, some of our reprints have had to be put on hold. At first, only essential businesses could be open, and much of our reprints were left on the table that week, mid-print. Everyone in non-essential businesses in the Bay Area retreated to their homes, and businesses …

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Magenta layer on Ice Plant cards
Announcements printing

Kim’s Printing Marathon

There was a printing marathon at Painted Tongue Press last weekend! Three titles were completely out of stock and two were needed to fill orders. Since red was on the press last, and it’s easier to clean the press and move from a similar color, I started with the magenta layer of the Ice Plant …

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Temporary Studio Closure

We are closing the studio due to the mandatory shelter-in-place affecting our area; our Etsy store will be closed as well. We will reopen on April 7th or when the order is lifted. It’s important during this time to stay connected to each other (though not in person!), check in on your neighbors, people who may …

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