Animals Announcements Fall Fruits & Vegetables

Appreciation and Thanks

To the healthcare workers caring for the sick during the pandemic…You Are Magnificent! To the front line workers, grocery store and retail workers, and post office workers…You Rock! To all those who serve their communities, teachers, firefighters, poll workers, people staffing homeless shelters, neighbors checking in on neighbors…You’re Out Of This World! Showing support for …

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Roadworks event banner
Announcements Events printing

Roadworks This Weekend!

This Sunday, September 27th, join us online for the annual Roadworks steamroller festival! You can check out our online vendor shop, as well as video chat with us from 11 am to 4 pm; Kim will be available to answer your questions as well as show off our studio and letterpresses. Roadworks is a great …

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Assortment of cards for Patreon supporters
Announcements Fall New Product Winter

Cards for Patreon Supporters

Some news regarding our Patreon! Because of the pandemic and the reduced wholesale orders, we didn’t finish developing our fall/winter releases for 2020; these would normally have been printed in the spring of 2020. We’re still able to keep our shop open, but the time and materials investment for new designs isn’t possible quite yet. …

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Holly "Merry Merry" card
Animals Announcements Christmas printing

A Merry, Merry Printing Session

Since the Bay Area has been sheltering-in-place since mid-March, some of our reprints have had to be put on hold. At first, only essential businesses could be open, and much of our reprints were left on the table that week, mid-print. Everyone in non-essential businesses in the Bay Area retreated to their homes, and businesses …

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